The Artist

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I'm Vikki, almost 20. I live in the US. I am a Business major in college, but my favorite activity is to draw and game. I am an doujinshi artist and have my own comic. I hope you enjoy my blog!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fire Emblem Eternal Souls

Is a "personal" project. I started it up and recruited people, mostly friends, to join me on an adventure on the continent of Thalassa. Pretty cool, huh? It follows the Fire Emblem standards and everyone has awesome characters. Here are two linearts of said characters.

Lilian/ Lily:


Just linearts and volunteers are gonna color. Will probably post the colored versions on here, I dunno. After all, I'm not coloring them. If not then I shall post a link to the site where our comics are held.

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