The Artist

My photo
I'm Vikki, almost 20. I live in the US. I am a Business major in college, but my favorite activity is to draw and game. I am an doujinshi artist and have my own comic. I hope you enjoy my blog!

Friday, March 18, 2011


FINALLY! Spring Break is heeeeeere!!! Well, technically it's next week, but I don't have class on Fridays, so I'm all good. I didn't have time to post stuff and all because of school and all that good stuff. I just finished a picture with markers, so I shall post photos of it. I HAVE sketched along the way. I posted them on LJ, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to post it on here?

Anyways, I have a Tumblr now, so if you want to follow me, please do. It's VIKKI'S TUMBLR

Anyways, here's the shot:

I have more stuff floating around, but it's almost 3 in the morning and I need to sleep, sooooo yeah. See ya around guys! Expect me to update everyday starting from tomorrow!

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